Percussion Instruments are the most primitive and simple instruments. When they were first invented in Ancient Africa to be able to send signals, the drums were made from animal hide. Some percussion instruments are pitched and accented; however, all follow some loose rhythm. Although the xylophone, bells, or the glockenspiel can play melodies, they are considered as percussion since they are accented and follow rhythm. Percussion instruments are very varied, coming from all over the world, thousands and thousand of different kinds.
Some percussion instruments are hollow to create a higher amplitude and effect for the beat. All percussion instruments generate sound when struck. Drums can be tuned to a specific note. Fo example, the Indian Tabla can be tuned for different pitches to alter its scale range. Tabla includes a pair of drums, one for the bass and one for the "melody. "Also, applying pressure to bass drum of the Tabla can change the note it is playing! Tuning a drum is achieved from tightening or loosening the head of it. The tighter the drum, the higher the note. An overall trend of percussion instruments is that the bigger the drum, the lower its pitch.