About Me
Welcome! My name is Gautam Pradeep, and I'm a high-
school student from California. I have quite a monotonous day-to-day routine – attending school by day, studying at home by night, and participating in school teams like Speech and Debate and Science Bowl scattered in between. Yet, even when it seems as if my busy day is coming to a close, I'm not fully satisfied.
I eagerly await to withdraw myself from the realm of academia into one of music, with solitude and serenity. I'm deeply passionate about music, whether it be classical, pop, vocal, or instrumental. Regardless of the genre, I connect with music, particularly with Hindustani Indian classical. I've been learning and singing since the age of six. I attend singing classes in the Bay Area, learning from Nachiketa Yakkundi. Growing up in an environment surrounded by talented, musically inclined individuals such as my parents, and my brother, who inadvertently (well...) plays the tabla, an Indian percussion instrument, often accompanying a vocalist, I have pushed myself to a stage where I can appreciate music from all over – the purpose of this website.
I've created this website to expose people to the instruments of the world. Being exposed to Indian music, I wanted to broaden my horizons and get a taste of cultures all around us, from Spanish to Algerian to Chinese. Keep revisiting the blogs for NEW information. ENJOY!